Peace Corps of Nigeria ranks structure

Publish date: 2024-10-13

Are you interested in the Peace Corps of Nigeria ranks structure? Do you want to be a member of something very significant? It’s an important life experience! Join the Peace Corps!

Peace Corps (English Peace Corps) is an irrespective federal organization of the US government. It was formed on March 1, 1961. The US Congress approved the institution on September 22, 1961, by the adoption of the Peace Corps Act. It is an humanitarian agency. Peace Corps dispatches volunteers to poverty-stricken countries to provide assistance.

What is Peace Corps?

According to the principal law, the purpose of the Peace Corps is the following:

The world peace and friendship must be promoted with the help of the Peace Corps. It should send men and women from the USA. They must be qualified to serve abroad and will have to minister if it is needed, in difficult circumstances to assist people of the countries and regions to fulfill their need for trained personnel.

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The program of the Corps officially has three tasks:

The Peace Corps guides the volunteers to various worlds’ countries, in more than seventy countries, to cooperate with the government institutions, schools, non-profit institutions, non-governmental agencies and entrepreneurs in the fields of education, business, technologies of information, agriculture and the environment.

Originally, the Peace Corps declares its accessibility to other governments. The governments designate the territories in which the Corps can operate. The Corps then verify the assigned tasks with its human resources and guides volunteers with the necessary skills to the other countries that previously sent requests.

Volunteers of Peace Corps

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The Volunteer Service improves the lives of people in communities all over the world. The volunteers get practical benefit, study new languages, receive guidance and international development experience, and work with host countries as partners and friends.


The current number of countries served is 65 countries.

Volunteers in working area:

The Acting Director of Peace Corps is Carrie Hessler-Radelet.

How to join the Peace Corps?

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If you decided to join the Peace Corps, you have made an important decision. The volunteers from Peace Corps live, study and work abroad for 27 months of their lives. Volunteers are directed to developing countries where they have to live without any of the comfort they have been used to. Nevertheless, it is an invaluable experience, and you will never forget it. You can make the world a little better, change someone's life and make your resume more attractive to employers. The application process takes about six months. If you are patient, it may be the best decision in your life.

You should go to college. If you want to increase your chances of participating in this program, you should get a higher education. In fact, 90% of the positions require an education. In most cases, the degree of junior specialist may be sufficient if you have the necessary work experience.

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If possible, get knowledge in the field of agriculture, forestry or ecology. Having work experience in these areas can make you a worthy candidate. It should be noted that the above industries are not sufficiently staffed, so you have great chances.

Get a volunteer experience. The Peace Corps is looking for people who like to help others. If you have experience working as a volunteer in a hospital, in a canteen, or in the field of education, this is only a plus. The work experience will show that you are a worthy candidate for the position proposed to you.

It does not matter what it is! Do activities that help you acquire the necessary skills to participate in the Peace Corps program! Whatever you do, remember that you must help others. It is the meaning of the volunteer work.

You should look for opportunities to show leadership. If your achievement list has a couple of completed works, where you showed yourself as a leader, you would only increase your chances of being selected for participation in the program. Be sure to include a mention of experience in your application when you have shown yourself as a leader. Perhaps you organized a women's club or some other society or were the head of a school orchestra.

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Do a job in which you can show your independence. The Peace Corps appreciates two qualities in its volunteers: the first is independence; the second is the ability to take care of a person.

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Nigerian Peace Corps

Now a few words about Nigeria Peace Corps:

- The founder of the Nigerian Peace Corps is Dr. Dickson A.O. Akoh

- The Nigerian Peace Corps has the same aim as the head office to Promote Social and Economic Development. For this purpose, the Members and Volunteers must be involved in the scheme of cooperation with Government, Schools, Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organizations, and so on. The Nigerian youths should be interested in this activity.

- The membership of The Nigerian Peace Corps ultimately consists of Nigerians. It is open to all young people, men, and women, within the ages from eighteen to thirty-five years old in particular. The youth must be involved independently of their political and social status, ethnic group, and state of origin as well as religion. There are three branches of The Nigerian Peace Corps membership.

Constant Staff Officers

One of the main tasks of The Nigerian Peace Corps is to take assist the youths with the help of the Alternative Employment Scheme for those without any job. The aim is to prevent young people from taking part in some kind of crime and anti-social activities. The Corps organizes the services of the youths with a low academic qualification of Secondary School Certificate Examination. These young men and women, after the special initial training and orientation, receive the status of Staff Officers. They can get monthly stipend paid to the direct recipients of their services.

Volunteers of Peace Corps

The Nigerian Peace Corps also provides specialists to be employed in a variety of fields. They are eager to serve as Volunteers of Peace Corps. They do not get a salary, but they receive an identity card, uniform, kits, T-shirts, and fez-caps. When the Volunteers are involved as resource persons in programs and events, they get the honorarium. The Peace Corps Volunteer Cadre also receives a Form from the National Headquarters or any other of the State Commands, as well as the FCT. Volunteers of Peace Corps should serve as Ambassadors of Peace in their different fields’ professional activities. They work as mediators between warring parties when it is required according to the Multi-Track Disciplinary Approach to Resolution of Conflict.

Student Membership

According to the PCN laws, membership is voluntary. The Nigerian Peace Corps is open to all students of Educational Institutions. As a rule, you need to fill the application form to confirm the membership in any of the branches. The form is checked and verified by PCN.

The Nigerian Peace Corps has its specific rank scale

The Peace Corps of Nigeria ranks structure

As you see, being a member of Peace Corps is an outstanding experience for youths. It is an opportunity to be useful for your country and to help people, as well as a great ability to visit other countries and promote world peace and friendship.

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