Get ready to job hunt with these 50 Spanish expressions- Lingoda

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Why would a native English speaker need Spanish phrases related to job hunting? You might live in a Spanish-speaking country and be looking for work. You might be on a study abroad to learn Spanish and browsing job boards for work-study opportunities. You might be functionally bilingual and live in a place with a Spanish-speaking population where Spanish is a requirement of your job. Regardless, today’s post will help you to brush up on your professional Spanish vocabulary so you can secure the job you are aiming for. Here are 50 Spanish phrases you will find useful when preparing your job application or your interview.

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These days most job applications are online. Just as we use search engine optimization (SEO) on the Lingoda blog so that Spanish learners can find our content, job boards and employers use Spanish keywords so that job seekers can find the right job posting. The right words will lead you to the right place. Spanish phrases related to job applications will help you find a position that fits your skills.

  • buscar trabajo – looking for work
  • solicitar trabajo – to apply for work
  • el foro – forum
  • los objetivos – objectives 
  • la hoja de vida/el currículo – résumé/CV
  • el trabajo – the work/the job
  • el puesto – the position
  • entregar – to submit/turn something in
  • enviar por email – to send by email
  • el sitio web – website 
  • la bolsa/el portal de empleo – employment portal/job board
  • el puesto fijo – permanent position
  • el trabajo temporal – temporary position
  • la nómina – payroll
  • el autónomo – freelance
  • el contrato – contract
  • el horario – schedule
  • el sueldo – salary
  • español – Spanish (a tad obvious, maybe, but don’t forget to list it as a language on your CV!)
  • Spanish phrases related to cover letters and CVs

    Many Spanish job applications require a CV and a cover letter. In the digital age, large organizations use artificial intelligence (AI) for their human resources intake such as electronic job applications. For jobs that require Spanish language abilities, including Spanish-language keywords for better SEO will make you stand out from the rest.

    Here are some basic employment phrases in Spanish that will help you land the interview.

  • las calificaciones – qualifications
  • el certificado – certified
  • licensiado – university graduate
  • maestría – graduate studies
  • la habilidad – ability 
  • el liderazgo – leadership
  • Learn languages at your pace

  • la confianza – confidence
  • el actitud – attitude
  • las metas – goals
  • las ganas – enthusiasm
  • las referencias – references
  • la experiencia/las prácticas – experience
  • la llamada – a call
  • la entrevista – interview 
  • el superior – senior
  • el subalterno – junior
  • trabajador – hard-working (¡Ojo! Remember this is gender-specific. A woman is trabajadora.)
  • el éxito – success
  • Spanish phrases for interviews in Spanish

    So you’ve submitted a successful application. Your CV and cover letter have made it through. Now the company calls you for an interview. Besides dressing professionally, showing up on time and offering a Spanish greeting, what comes next? Are you prepared to answer interview questions in Spanish? Here are a few transitional phrases that will help you sound educated and fluent.

  • Gracias por la oportunidad – Thank you for the opportunity
  • Dado que… – Given that 
  • De la misma forma... – In the same way/manner
  • De todos modos – Regardless
  • Ya que… – Since
  • Además… – Besides/in addition to
  • En cuanto a… – With regards to/when it comes to
  • Sin embargo – However
  • De hecho – In fact
  • Deberían contratarme porque… – You (plural) should hire me because
  • Esperaré su llamada. – I’ll wait for your call. 
  • Gracias por su tiempo. – Thank you for your time. 
  • Muchísimas gracias. – Thank you very much.
  • Get out there and get your dream job (in Spanish)!

    From job applications to cover letters to Spanish interview phrases, if you know the right vocabulary, you are likely to get the right job. Optimize your search with the Spanish vocabulary above, and you will be able to find positions that fit your abilities. Don’t forget our tips for Spanish language exam study if passing a language test is part of your job requirement. 

    Learn languages at your pace

    Alison Maciejewski Cortez

    Alison Maciejewski Cortez is Chilean-American, born and raised in California. She studied abroad in Spain, has lived in multiple countries, and now calls Mexico home. She believes that learning how to order a beer in a new language reveals a lot about local culture. Alison speaks English, Spanish, and Thai fluently and studies Czech and Turkish. Her tech copywriting business takes her around the world and she is excited to share language tips as part of the Lingoda team. Follow her culinary and cultural experiences on X.
