Every Night My Husband Disappears, and His Story Doesnt Quite Add Up

Publish date: 2024-09-27

It becomes concerning when your loved one slips out at night without any explanation. One of our readers is dealing with her husband leaving the house each night for no apparent reason. Let’s work together to uncover this mystery and help her out.

We received a message from one of our readers.

Thanks for contacting us! We understand your concerns and are here to offer some helpful advice.

Monitor how long he stays out at night.

Observe how long he stays out and see if there’s a regular pattern. For instance, if he’s going to the pharmacy every night, that’s suspicious. Also, taking long walks before bed for several hours seems unusual.

If he’s only gone for 10–15 minutes, it might not be a concern. Additionally, pay attention to any changes in his behavior and mood when he returns from these outings.

Have a conversation with him to understand what’s happening.

Oddly, your husband hasn’t mentioned his nighttime outings. Have a conversation with him and let him know you’re aware that he goes out at night. Asking about this isn’t about control; it’s about safety.

Nighttime walks can be risky, and as his spouse, you should know where he’s going. If an emergency arises, you need to know his whereabouts. If he refuses to share this information, it could mean he’s hiding something from you.

Be upfront with him.

We know that bringing up suspicions of infidelity could affect your relationship, but it’s a legitimate concern. Ask him how he would feel if you disappeared every night, claiming to go to the pharmacy, even though it’s in a different direction.

Encouraging him to see things from your point of view might help him understand your perspective in a way he hasn’t before.

Request that he show you his location history.

He might avoid waking you at night just to say where he’s headed. In that situation, ask him to share his location with you. This can be done through Google Maps or a dedicated app on iPhones. Request that he keeps location tracking on so you can ensure he’s safe while he’s out.

Consider if there are any reasons to suspect he might be unfaithful.

If your husband dismisses your concerns and doesn’t try to ease your mind, it might be worth considering whether something suspicious is happening. Constantly avoiding questions and behaving secretively are significant warning signs.

If he is overly protective of his phone and won’t leave it unattended, that’s another indication that something isn’t right. Have a conversation with him about it and observe his reaction. How he responds will give you all the answers you need.

When marriages hit a rough patch, we either try to fix them or move on. However, sometimes exes can make things difficult. In this story, a reader’s ex wants her to be a surrogate for him because he doesn’t want his wife’s body to change. He even started stalking her to persuade her to agree.
