I Kicked My MIL and Her Daughter Out of the House for Peeking Into My Drawers

Publish date: 2024-06-17

In today’s story, the main “characters” were already kinda distant because they came from totally different family backgrounds. One was living the good life, all healthy and wealthy, while the other was more about being chill and down-to-earth. Everything was manageable until one day, the in-laws decided to drop by the woman’s place, and things got so messy that she had to kick them out.

My (25F) and my boyfriend, Ryan, (27M) have been dating for a little over two years and recently moved in together. Something worth noting is that he comes from a very wealthy, upper class family, whereas I come from lower-middle class. They have imported furniture, crazy expensive artwork, a chef, a maid, etc. But Ryan is the complete opposite of his family. He doesn’t buy the most expensive items or shop at the most expensive stores like his family. He’s frugal, like me.

So yesterday, his mom and sister came to the house for the first time. We greeted them at the front door and their first comment was that the house is too small. Ryan and I just brushed it off because we knew that was coming. They came in and right off the bat made comments about how there isn’t enough artwork, that the couches look and feel cheap, the countertop is hideous, etc. They went so far as to critique the type of glass used on the shower door. Then they got to our bedroom, and even though I don’t have much respect for them, I thought they’d at least have the decency to not thoroughly dissect the entire room and just take a quick look. Boy was I wrong.”

“The first comment she made was about the way our bed was made. I have anemia, so I’m always very cold. So I sleep with the main comforter, a Sherpa blanket and a weighted blanket. The bed was made like normal, with my extra blankets folded in half on my side. I’ll admit it doesn’t look the prettiest, but it’s our room. I explained this to them, and they said that I could, at the very least, put them in the closet. I showed them that the closet is already full. They rolled their eyes and mumbled something I couldn’t understand.

This annoyed me, but I kept cool. But then they literally started going through our dresser drawers. I politely asked them to not do that, that those have personal items. They accused me of having something to hide. At that point I had enough. I asked them to leave. They looked dumbfounded, but I repeated myself. They turned to Ryan and asked if he’s really going to let me kick them out. He said that it is getting late, and they should get going so they don’t get home too late.

After they left, Ryan turned to me and said that it really wasn’t my place to ask them to leave. He said he only agreed because he didn’t want to argue in front of them and give them more reason to not like me, but if I wanted them gone, I should’ve said something to him, and he could’ve said something that would’ve prevented the argument. I said that they needed to be called out for their inappropriate behavior, and he wasn’t doing that, so I took it upon myself. This is the first argument we’ve had that hasn’t been resolved within a few hours, so I’m wondering if maybe I am in the wrong?”

People on Reddit had very harsh opinions on the matter.

Having someone snoop through our things isn’t exactly fun, and it’s even worse when it’s your MIL.
